MIND Foundation

Transforming Lives - 

through science and experience

MIND Foundation

Transforming Lives -

through science and experience

About MIND

MIND is a mental health organization that advances science and education in medicine, leadership, and society. We address the global mental health crisis and the need for a sustainability transformation. 

What We Do

We implement safe and evidence-based psychedelic therapies for mental health and human development.


MIND is the partner of OVID Clinic Berlin – a mental health outpatient and day clinic integrating guideline therapies with novel psychedelic treatments. Together we transform mental health care – from treatment to growth. 

Multiple Actions Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Currently enrolled in Psychedelic Therapist Training

People Man Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Academic journal clubs worldwide

Satellite Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Features on TV, radio, newspapers, podcasts

Attention: Technical problems on MIND Website

Dear reader, dear member, dear guest,

The MIND Foundation website is currently experiencing technical errors in some domains. 

If you find any problems with purchases, signups, or any other technical issues, or you would like to report something regarding user experience, please get in touch with us, we appreciate it.

It is temporarily also possible to sign up for our events via email.

Contact MIND

Upcoming Events

APT Info Event August 2024

21 August 2024

Beyond Experience - August 2024, Frankfurt a.M.

22. - 25. August, Deutsch

Beyond Experience - Aug/Sep 2024, Cluj-Napoca

29 August - 01 September, English

Die Zukunft von Psychedelika in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie – Implementation, Versorgung, Weiterbildung

06. - 07. September

Beyond Experience - September 2024, London

12 September - 15 September, English

Beyond Experience - October 2024, Berlin

03 October - 06 October, English

Footsteps - Oct/Nov 2024

07 October - 11 November 2024

Beyond Experience - November 2024, Frankfurt a.M.

14. - 17. November, Deutsch


Through clinical studies like EPIsoDE, featured surveys from institutions like John Hopkins University or MIND’s study on acceptance, the potential of psychedelic medicine and its risks are being uncovered. We employ rigorous scientific methodologies, to inform discourse on psychedelics and contribute to the growing body of evidence supporting their therapeutic benefits. Click below to learn more about our latest studies and or meet the MIND Scientific Advisory Board.     

Lab Flame Bottle Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Studies Avatar Scientist Man Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Scientific Advisory Board

Training & Personal Development

Our 14 programs address everyone – from medical professionals and psychotherapists to people with a very new personal interest in contemplative states and psychedelics. The APT program is a training course for psychedelic therapy – in English and German. Beyond Experience and Footsteps teach integration skills. uniMIND connects young and senior researchers all over the world, while our blog is a reliable resource for psychedelics-related information.

Time Monthly 2 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.comtime-monthly-2 Events calendar Multiple Actions Graduate Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Psychedelic Therapist Training


Through our network we build an eco-system that revolves around clinical work, research, human development, and community building. Particularly our clinical partner, the OVID Clinic Berlin, sets new standards for innovative mental health treatments, and through memberships and our community, as well as through in-person event series like the INSIGHT Forum we create cultural momentum.

OVID Clinic Berlin Science Molecules Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com MIND Members Association

Augmented Psychotherapy Training

One of the key challenges concerning the implementation of psychedelic-assisted therapies (PATs) lies in the lack of qualified and trained therapists to facilitate these novel treatment modalities. This is exactly why we felt the need to create the most extensive and scientifically grounded training program. 

The Augmented Psychotherapy Training is a 15-month curriculum that provides participants with the knowledge and skills they need to practice Psychedelic-Augmented Psychotherapy and Integration-Focused Psychotherapy in a legal, safe, and evidence-based framework. 

Providing excellent training to a new generation of psychedelic therapists is key to the success of implementing psychedelic therapies.

Coding Apps Website Web Form Progress 4 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Learn more about our psychedelic therapist training


To harness the potential of altered states of consciousness for human development, we need to create a new, and responsible culture. That is why the INSIGHT Forum opened it doors in February 2024. Here we critically explore the science and the practice of consciousness from a variety of perspectives - the medical, philosophical, societal, economic, and many more to inform our discourse. Ultimately, we strive for a responsible enculturation of psychedelic states into medicine and society, much in the way the German philosopher Thomas Metzinger describes with his concept of a Bewusstseinskultur (an ethical culture of consciousness). 

In practical terms, the INSIGHT Forum is realized in an event series that lends itself to this goal. Each event consists of three parts: the Rationale as critical, intellectual discourse, the Transrationale as an experiental practice such as meditation, and Communitas as a networking space. Through this combination of activities, we strive to build a new cultural context.

Coding Apps Website Web Form Progress 4 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Learn more about the INSIGHT Forum

Our Programs

Support our Mission

Support the MIND Foundation as we use science-informed programs to transform lives. 

Your contribution helps educate, connect, and empower people through innovative therapies and workshops, fostering both personal and societal growth.

Greek God Olive Wreath 2 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Support us

Donate to the MIND Foundation

We deeply appreciate your financial support and can guarantee that all donations will be used only to advance the MIND mission and programs. Donations to MIND are currently possible via direct bank transfer or Paypal. Please use the information below and mark your generous contribution as “Donation” in the reference or comment box.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

Bank account: Sparkasse Berlin
IBAN: DE94 1005 0000 0190 9286 03
Reference: "Donation"

Donate via Paypal:

Get Involved

Around the core MIND Foundation exists a flourishing, multilayered network that invites you to join and participate. 

The MIND Members Association offers memberships in MIND's supportive, professional association in order to facilitate MIND's goals and mission. With members in over 48 countries across the globe, our Members Association offers many activities and contents that are accessible online. The main public space to join the network is our MIND Community Platform.

To get involved in the offline world, we have built a global network of journal clubs that are interdisciplinary and discuss academic publications in the field of psychedelic science. If you are interested in more informal local communities that focus on personal and human development, psychedelic integration, and social life, you are cordially invited to participate in or organize your own localMIND group.

There are more ways to get involved, for example through an internship, volunteering, donating or fundraising at MIND - do not hesitate to get in touch! 

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