Beyond Experience

Psychedelic Integration Workshop

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The MIND Foundation website is currently experiencing technical errors in some domains. 

If you find any problems with purchases, signups, or any other technical issues, or you would like to report something regarding user experience, please get in touch with us, we appreciate it.

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Why Integration Matters

Psychedelics can reveal hidden facets of our mind, from bringing back childhood memories to grappling with intense emotions. To truly harness the transformative potential, integration is key. 

Psychedelic integration is much more than aftercare; it is about reshaping our life with purpose and clarity.

Upcoming Events

Beyond Experience - August 2024, Frankfurt a.M.

22. - 25. August, Deutsch

Beyond Experience - Aug/Sep 2024, Cluj-Napoca

29 August - 01 September, English

Beyond Experience - September 2024, London

12 September - 15 September, English

Beyond Experience - October 2024, Berlin

03 October - 06 October, English

Beyond Experience - November 2024, Frankfurt a.M.

14. - 17. November, Deutsch

Discover Beyond Experience

Go on a journey where you master the art of understanding and sharing psychedelic experiences. Beyond Experience doesn’t just impart knowledge; it promotes your personal growth. Dive deep into science-based integration theories, then explore hands-on practices to seamlessly carry over insights into your daily life.

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Your 4-Day Adventure

In just four days, connect deeply with peers and journey through various techniques. From expressive writing to mindful meditation, and from trance journeys to somatic exercises, every session is designed to empower you. Plus, get insights on safe psychedelic practices to enrich your understanding.

Is Beyond Experience for you? Dive in if you

  • Are eager to master a rich mix of integration techniques – from trance journeys and creative expression to somatic exercises.
  • Thrive in structured, hands-on learning.
  • Have a curiosity for all psychedelic experiences, whether through substances or other practices like breathwork.
  • Seek connections with fellow explorers.
  • Wish to enrich your life through meaningful psychedelic journeys.
  • Aim to immerse yourself in the world of psychedelic integration.
  • Are planning to have a psychedelic experience and would like to know more about them.
  • Have an eye on the Augmented Psychotherapy Training – Beyond Experience is part of the APT program.
  • Would like to benefit from our Molecules Module 4 psychoeducation content for free (normally priced at 149 Euro)



Do you have questions about Beyond Experience?

If you have any questions, please take a look at the FAQ at the bottom of the page. If the FAQ doesn't answer your questions, please contact us directly:

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Snapshots from Beyond Experience Workshops

Read what Beyond Experience participants say

Beyond Experience FAQ

Workshop content and methods

Beyond Experience is a 4-day-intensive workshop. It offers a safe and inclusive space for deep self-exploration in the form of an intense closed-group process. The focus is on the integration of experiences acquired in expanded states of consciousness, both substance and non-substance induced.
Beyond Experience is not intended to merely provide information: theoretical input on harm reduction and the like will be provided, but be ready to move, paint, and interact a lot too!

Altered states of consciousness can be achieved through very different means: Breathwork, yoga, trance dance, tantra, meditation or sensory deprivation – just to name a few.
While most participants in Beyond Experience will have some experience with psychoactive substances, our work does not stop at integrating experiences with psychedelics. On the contrary, our methodology is equally suitable for participants who have had intense experiences in other contexts.

The Beyond Experience team consists of a diverse group of people from different backgrounds and professional disciplines. Ranging from coaches, psychotherapists, medical doctors and body workers to prevention experts and psychedelic support providers, they have contributed to its design with many different methods and theoretical frameworks.
The two concepts that have proven most useful in the creation of Beyond Experience are Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Transpersonal Psychology.

The workshops consist of many different methods and tools that vary in distribution and intensity over the course of the Integration Process. Among other methods, we use creative expression through artwork and automated writing, dancing, bodywork, meditation and entrancing techniques like hypno dream quests and selected yoga asanas as options to go deeper into the exploration.
We will also provide short lectures on relevant topics such as drug related harm reduction and information on scientific integration concepts.

At Beyond Experience we do not facilitate sessions with psychoactive substances. We help you to integrate the experiences you have gathered already – and support your preparation for further experiences yet to come.

Organizational matters - location, faclitators, networking

Beyond Experience is growing. Initially offered in the urban centers of Berlin (Friedrichshain) and Amsterdam, and retreats in Mallorca, we are now expanding into Romania and Portugal. We intend to continue adding locations across Europe. You will receive more detailed information upon confirmation of your placement.

Each Beyond Experience is facilitated by two facilitators with extended experience in conducting workshops. The teams are generally gender-mixed and consist of people with different training backgrounds in order to cover as many relevant facets as possible.

Participants may connect via social media groups with restricted access, that only participants can join. However, if you don’t feel like connecting further, that is totally alright. You can also connect with a network of BEYOND EXPERIENCE alumni via our MIND Community platform.

We currently do not train in-house Beyond Experience Facilitators, however we consider  launching a new Integration Facilitator course for those interested to take experience to action. Any updates will be announced via our newsletter.

Your personal information and confidentiality

All participants and facilitators must agree on confidentiality at the beginning of the workshop.

Even though we would surely like some pictures and testimonials for our website, we will always seek permission before publishing any written or photographic material.

During the workshop, we are intending to go into a deep self-experience process that includes re-evoking content from experiences acquired during expanded states of consciousness. While this should be unproblematic for most participants, we strive to ensure that no one will be put in an overwhelmingly difficult situation as a result of the intense techniques we use. The medical form helps us screen for possible difficulties and exclusion criteria.

Treatment, therapy, patients

Even though Beyond Experieince is based on therapeutic principles, it is definitely not a surrogate for therapy; it is a self-experience format. We do not assume therapeutic responsibility, but will mirror the possible need for therapeutic aid to participants during the workshops.

Because of the set-up of the workshops, we reserve the right to exclude or discourage people from participation that we consider physically or mentally unable to safely follow through with the Beyond Experience. This includes recent cardiac problems or bone fractures, as well as recent psychotic episodes or suicidality. If we are in doubt on a possible participation, we contact the person individually in order to establish a mutual agreement on their suitability.

Members of the OVID Clinic or EPIsoDE study teams are involved in the Beyond Experience program as facilitators. If you are currently a patient of either of these treatment teams or if you have been a patient of the OVID clinic or the EPIsoDE study in the past, you may be able to participate in the Beyond Experience program. However, you must inform the Integration Program Committee during the application process that you have been a patient of one of these teams in the past. This is the only way to examine whether problematic role conflicts may still arise and, if so, how they can be avoided. If you have any questions or doubts in this regard, please contact the Integration Programs Committee ([email protected]).


The current cost for Beyond Experience is 790€ regular price for the 4-day-intensive format. Reductions are available for Early Bird booking and low income participants. Through our Access tickets, we offer discounts of 50 to 100 percent of the ticket costs and these tickets are application based. Simply choose Access ticket and follow the instructions for applying.
For those who want to further contribute to the project, there is the option to pay more and sponsor a low-income participant this way.

We have decided to define low income as less than 1200€ net income per month, in coherence with the German welfare budget assigned per person.

MIND is a members-based volunteer organization. We do assign free spots on our workshops for people who have intensely contributed to our volunteering projects, but we do not trade workshops for volunteering on a 1:1 basis.

You can pay via Paypal, direct bank transfer or credit card.