Upcoming INSIGHT Forum Events

INSIGHT Forum (DE): Therapeut:in in Psychedelika-assistierter Therapie. Identität, Beziehungsaspekte, Gefährdungen

November 6, 2024

INSIGHT Forum (EN): More or different? Thoughts on the therapeutic mechanisms of psychedelics - Prof. Dr. David Nutt

20 Nov 2024

INSIGHT Forum (EN): Best Practices for Participant-Centered Psychedelic Clinical Trials

Dec 03, 2024

About the INSIGHT Forum

To harness the potential of altered states of consciousness for human development, we need to create a new, and responsible culture around psychedelic and contemplative practices. That is why the INSIGHT Forum opened it doors in February 2024. 

Here we critically explore the science and the practice of consciousness from a variety of perspectives - the medical, philosophical, societal, economic, and many more to inform our discourse. Ultimately, we strive for a responsible enculturation of psychedelic states into medicine and society, much in the way the German philosopher Thomas Metzinger describes with his concept of a Bewusstseinskultur (an ethical culture of consciousness). In practical terms, the INSIGHT Forum is realized in an event series that lends itself to this goal. 

Each event consists of three parts: the Rationale as critical, intellectual discourse, the Transrationale as an experiental practice such as meditation, and Communitas as a networking space. Through this combination of activities, we strive to build a new cultural context that supports an ethical practice of altered states of consciousness.

Three segments


In the Ratio part of each of our INSIGHT Forum events, expert speakers share their academic research, professional experience or other forms of knowledge in a logically structured and conceptual-pragmatic way. Here we aim to identify and discuss in a critical manner theories that may be suitable to transform medicine and society and that relate to the development of an ethical culture of consciousness.


The transrational activities in the INSIGHT Forum aim to explore techniques that bring the body and the mind in contact, that enable us to see ourselves as well as our social and ecological envinronments in a different light. Transrational in the sense of focusing on pre-theoretical experiences or embodied experience that we can later reflect upon in a critical way.

Typical activities in this transrational part consist of secular meditation techniques, Bohm Dialogues, musical performances, and more. 


The third part of every INSIGHT Forum event is dedicated to building personal and professional connections among the organizers, speakers, and our guests. Building a network also means building a community and creating a sense of belonging. In this way, we can propel societal change ahead. 

INSIGHT Forum Team

The INSIGHT Forum is organized primarily by the MIND Foundation with support from our clinical partner OVID Clinic Berlin. 

The main program curation lies in the hands of Marvin Däumichen and Simon Reichersdörfer, who are both the INSIGHT Forum Program Directors. Another key team member is Inna Krylovetska, oversees the event management and coordinates everyone involved in event production. Henrik Jungaberle, CEO of MIND, supports the INSIGHT Forum in an advisory role. 

Last but not least, a steady but open group of volunteers, interns, and further team members of MIND make the INSIGHT Forum not only possible but a success story. We owe thanks to all that donate their time and energy to the project, especially Eli Meadow Ramraj, who creates wonderful photographic footage of our events.

Discover OVID Clinic Berlin

CME lecture series at OVID

Did you know that our partners at OVID Clinic Berlin host an event series as well? 

The OVID Academy invites particularly medical doctors and psychotherapists, but also patients and the public to an advanced training series covering the latest findings in psychiatric-psychotherapeutic medicine. With a mixture of external speakers and employees of the OVID Clinic Berlin, the organizers look forward to exciting content and discussions with colleagues from the field. 

The event series is organized a hybrid mode: at the OVID Clinic Berlin at Boxhagener Str. 82 or online.

Please note that the CME lectures take place in German language!

Single Man Podium Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com OVID Academy - CME Veranstaltungsreihe

Get Involved at the INSIGHT Forum

We welcome signups for volunteering at the INSIGHT Forum. This includes particularly assistance in the on-site preparation, live event production and wrap-up of our events. If you'd like to support our program and want to make a contribution, please get in touch and we'll register you as a volunteer in the INSIGHT Forum.


Hyperlink 3 Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com Contact our Events Manager

Donate to the MIND Foundation

We deeply appreciate your financial support and can guarantee that all donations will be used only to advance the MIND mission and programs. Donations to MIND are currently possible via direct bank transfer or Paypal. Please use the information below and mark your generous contribution as “Donation” in the reference or comment box.

Thank you from the bottom of our heart!

Bank account: Sparkasse Berlin
IBAN: DE94 1005 0000 0190 9286 03
Reference: "Donation"

Donate via Paypal:

INSIGHT Conference

The INSIGHT conference, organized by the MIND Foundation since 2019, is an international, transdisciplinary conference series with a focus on research, therapy and
human development in relation to psychedelics and psychedelic states.

Here we bring together researchers, clinicians, and experts from various sectors, including the medical field, related disciplines from the natural to social sciences, legislation, public health, and industry. The conference is open to the public and besides lectures, panel discussions, and networking opportunities it includes interactive workshops, an award ceremony, and an arts and social program.

Explore the INSIGHT Conference