Julius Hohenthal, M.Sc.

Clinical & Science Community Manager

Julius Hohenthal is a clinical psychologist (M.Sc.) currently in the process of becoming a licensed systemic psychotherapist at the Psychologische Hochschule Berlin. As the MIND Foundation’s Clinical and Science Community Manager, he is responsible for the support, direction, and future growth of the MIND Community. In helping to build a value-based community, with focus on the development of safe and legal contexts for psychedelic experiences through scientific rigor, he finds himself deeply aligned with his own values and interests.

With his work at the MIND Foundation, Julius finds great joy and inspiration through the close collaboration of people from different professional backgrounds and perspectives.

As a training psychotherapist, he sees great potential in the psychedelic experience as a treatment tool, with the potential of helping people to gain a new and healing perspective on themselves and their place in the world.

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