Nicola Weiss is an intern for the Programs Department at MIND Foundation. She finished her degree in Neuro-, Cognitive and Behavioral Biology at the University of Vienna and collaborated for her master’s thesis with the Institute of Pharmacology at the University of Barcelona, investigating the effects of emerging psychedelic substances. To move from model organisms and in vitro research to applications in human studies, she also worked in an fMRI human study at the Medical University of Vienna, exploring the ways of inducing altered states of consciousness using psychoactive substances.

In the future she hopes to help in integrating understandings from different scientific disciplines into medical applications to improve life quality and treat mental and neurological disorders. Seeing communication between scientific professionals and the broad public as a major hurdle, she wants to make science understandable and accessible for as many people as possible and anyone who can profit from the knowledge.

Apart from natural sciences, Nicola spends most of her time outside doing sports like yoga and mountain climbing, enjoys dancing and music and is happy when the sun is shining and she can ride her bike to small neighborhood cafes to read a good novel.

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